Commonly asked questions

Why was my bin only half emptied?

Although our team try their best to collect all the contents of your bins, sometimes things can get stuck, even after the arms of the truck have shaken them multiple times. 

Here's a few tips to help stop this happening to your bins:

  • Don't overfill your bins. The more things you stuff into your bins, the harder it is for them to come out. 
  • Try going plastic bag free. Plastic bags not only take up more space in your red rubbish bin, but they can also stick to the sides of the bin.
  • Make sure there's no wet paper or cardboard in your bin.
  • Put heavy items at the bottom of your bins, so when they are tipped upside down by the truck, gravity does the rest.  

Where do I take my excess waste?

There are lots of different things we can all do to minimise waste, and you can find some helpful tips on this site.

You can still take your rubbish and recycling to the Lincoln Street Resource Recovery Centre:

60 Lincoln Street, Frankton, Hamilton - find us on location map
07 848 2517

Opening hours

Monday to Saturday: 7:30am to 4:30pm
Sunday and Public holidays: 9am to 4pm
Closed: New Year’s Day, Good Friday and Christmas Day

If you're planning on dropping by our transfer station please be aware there may be some delays at peak times.

Current rates 

General refuse



$ 7.67


$ 32.96


$ 72.99


$ 83.35

All vehicles and trucks over 300kgs (per tonne)

$ 313.58



Green waste



$ 4.96


$ 9.92


$ 18.40


$ 50.11

All vehicles and trucks over 300kgs (per tonne)

$ 190.27

 Flax and palm (per tonne)


Cleanfill (per tonne)


Concrete (per tonne)


Tyres (per tonne)


Wood (per tonne)


Polystyrene (0-70kg)


Polystyrene (per tonne)


Tyres (passenger vehicle - each)


Axle weighing


Weigh only


Recyclable Products




Plastic 1, 2 and 5


Cans & tins 






Whiteware (e.g. fridges, washing machines etc.)






Plastic lids (e.g. milk bottle lids or fizzy drink lids)


Metal lids (e.g. glass bottle lids or jar lids 





Dry cell batteries (e.g. AAA batteries and lithium batteries)

Lead-acid batteries (e.g. car batteries)  free

What about green waste?

Green waste can also be taken to Hamilton Organic in Frankton. 

18 Wickham Street, Frankton, Hamilton 

Opening hours

Monday to Sunday: 9am to 5pm
Closed: New Year’s Day, Good Friday and Christmas Day


Proposed New Rate             (GST inc)

Public Car

$              13.43

Public Car (Commercial Volumes)

$              21.42

Vans & Utilities

$              29.29

Public Small Trailer

$              29.29


Public Medium Trailer

$              41.53


Public Large Trailer

$              49.99

 Greenwaste (0-310kg)

 $         38.73

Greenwaste (per Tonne)

$            126.96

Flax and Palm (per Tonne)

$            320.50

Hazardous waste

There are a lot of products that are used around the home that are classed as hazardous substances. A hazardous substance is generally defined as any substance that is explosive, flammable, corrosive or toxic. These products need to be stored, used and disposed of correctly, otherwise they can potentially harm your health and the environment. Common household products that may include hazardous substances are:

  • oil - motor and waste
  • cleaning fluids – bleaching agents, oven and drain cleaners
  • solvents – mineral turpentine, methylated spirits, paint thinners
  • adhesives – especially those containing solvents
  • garden chemicals – herbicides, fungicides and insecticides
  • pool chemicals
  • dyes – textile and hair dyes
  • stored fuels – petrol, LPG, diesel and oil
  • old gas cylinders
  • car batteries and antifreeze
  • aerosols.

Disposing of hazardous substance

  • If you have unwanted household hazardous substances you may be able to dispose of it at the Transfer Station on Lincoln Street. 
  • check the original container for instructions on how to dispose of the substance safety.
  • don't pour unwanted chemicals down the sink, storm water drain or onto the ground.

What if I need a new set of bins?

Each property is entitled to one set of bins. The bins belong at the property and must remain there if you move house. 

If you have just moved house or have moved into a new build and there are no bins on the property please contact us on 07 838 6699 or info@hcc.govt.nz and our team will look into organising bins for the property. If you can, please talk to the previous property owner first to see if they took the bins on accident. If the property is a rental please contact the property manager or landlord as it is their responsibility to pay for replacements. 

If you suspect that your bins have been stolen or have been damaged please get in touch with us within 5 days on 07 838 6699 or info@hcc.govt.nz and our team can look into this for you. Please keep in mind that there may be a fee for replacement bins. The wheelie bins and food scraps bin have an embedded radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag so if they're found we may able to return them to their owner.

What goes inside each bin?

Yellow wheelie bin

  • Plastics numbered 1, 2 and 5
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Tins and cans

Green food scraps bin

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Bread, dairy and cooked food
  • Meat and fish bones
  • Egg shells and seafood shells
  • Coffee grounds
  • Indoor cut flowers

Blue recycling crate

  • Glass bottles
  • Glass jars

Red wheelie bin

Anything that cannot be reused or recycled such as:

  • Nappies
  • Plastic toys
  • Used tissues
  • Broken glass (wrapped in newspaper)
  • Cat litter etc.

What should I do if I have excess glass?

Each household is entitled to one set of bins each. You can only put one bin out on your collection day, either the red landfill bin, yellow recycling bin or glass recycling crate. The green food scraps bin is collected weekly.  

We do understand that for some residents this may not be enough, and for those who have excess glass recycling there is the opportunity to recycle it for free at the Lincoln Street Resource Recovery Centre

The decision to move to a fortnightly collection of one glass crate was based on waste assessments and community consultations conducted in 2016-2017. These showed us that residents wanted their glass collected separately from the other recyclables, and that for the majority of Hamiltonians, one glass crate per fortnight would suffice.