Contact our Customer Service team on 07 838 6699 or and we can look into it for you.
The size of the red rubbish wheelie bin was based on waste assessments and community consultations conducted in 2016 and 2017. This research found that the size of the bin would suit most Hamiltonians and also supports Hamilton’s 2018-2024 Waste Management and Minimisation Plan’s six-year targets of reducing rubbish to landfill and increasing recycling.
From the waste audit we found most of the waste in black bags was made up of recyclable and compostable items – check out this infographic. In fact, almost 50% (by weight) of waste was made up of food scraps. Because of this, the new service includes a larger mixed recycling bin which can take plastics 1-7, and a food scraps bin. When used correctly, this should limit the amount of waste going to landfill and the red bin should suit.
We encourage you to use the mixed recycling wheelie bin, glass recycling crate, and food scraps bin which should limit the amount of rubbish going into your red bin (waste). If you have excess rubbish you can take this to the Hamilton Refuse Transfer Station on Lincoln St.
For tips on how to reduce waste at home click here.
Your red wheelie bin is for anything that cannot be reused or recycled. Here’s some tips to help maximise the space in this bin.
No, black rubbish bags are no longer collected if they are placed on the street - they will need to go in your red rubbish wheelie bin or taken to your nearest refuse transfer station for a fee.
Lids from plastic and glass bottles and jars are too small to be collected and processed by the recycling machinery at our Materials Recovery Facility. If left on the recyclable materials, they can become a be a health and safety hazard as they can fall when the bottle/jar is processed and get caught in machinery causing blockages.
Recycling drop-off points for lids are available free of charge at the Refuse Transfer Station on Lincoln Street. Lids placed in these bins will be processed separately from the kerbside recycling collection. Alternatively you can put lids in the red rubbish wheelie bin but they will be sent to landfill.